Medical providers are not allowed to attempt to collect payment by an injured worker for medical care related to the work injury. Minn. Stat. §§176.135, subd. 7; 176.83, subd. 5, paragraph (c); and, 176.136, subd. 2a. See also Minn. R. 5221.0500, subp. 3.
If a medical provider or someone acting on behalf of a medical provider collects or attempts to collect payment from an employee for charges on a bill for medical treatment or services related to a claimed workers’ compensation injury, then the provider may be subject to penalties assessed by the Minn. Dept. of Labor and Industry.
Please note that this prohibition applies to any co-pays or deductibles that the injured worker would owe if the medical care was NOT work-related. In other words, medical providers cannot bill injured workers for co-pays or deductibles if the personal/private health insurer pays for work-related medical care; instead, those balances should be pursued by the medical provider through an intervention claim.
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